I make no apology for the age of many of these references; most of them refer to the introduction of an idea, rather than the latest glosses on it. Such later critiques and revisions tends to appear in academic journals which remain relatively inaccessible to real people. I have routinely referred to British editions of books; publishers and publication dates may differ for those you have access to. Major references (IMHO) are in bold |
References |
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C |
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General Text |
D |
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E |
ENTWISTLE N (1981) Styles of Learning and Teaching; an integrated outline of educational psychology for students, teachers and lecturers Chichester: John Wiley (0 471 10013 7) | |
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F |
FESTINGER L (1957) A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance Evanston, Ill.; Row Peterson |
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G |
GARDNER H (1993) Frames of Mind: the theory of multiple intelligences (2nd edition) London, Fontana | |
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H |
HARROW A J (1972) Taxonomy of the Psychomotor Domain: a guide for developing behavioral objectives New York: McKay | |
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I |
ILLICH I (1970) De-Schooling Society Harmondsworth: Penguin | |
J |
JARVIS P (1987) Adult Education in the Social Context London; Croom Helm |
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K |
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L |
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M |
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P |
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PIAGET J and INHELDER B (1969) The Psychology of the Child London, Routledge and Kegan Paul (alternately readable and even denser) | |
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S |
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T |
TENNANT M (1997) Psychology and Adult Learning (2nd edn.) London Routledge | |
THOMAS L and HARRI-AUGSTEIN S (1977) "Learning to Learn: the Personal Construction and Exchange of Meaning" in M J A Howe (ed) Adult Learning: Psychological research and applications Chichester,: John Wiley and Sons, | |
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VYGOTSKY, L. S. (1962) Thought and language Cambridge [Mass] : M.I.T. Press. | |
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(Last up-dated 9 July 2013) |
Atherton J S (2013) Learning and Teaching; [On-line: UK] retrieved from
material by James Atherton: last up-dated overall 10 February 2013
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