The Learning Curve
It is a clich� today to refer to a �steep learning curve� to indicate that something is difficult to learn. In practice, a curve of the amount learned against the number of trials (in experiments) or over time (in reality) is just the opposite: if something is difficult, the line rises slowly or shallowly. So the steep curve refers to the demands of the task rather than a description of the process.
As the figure of a fairly typical learning �curve� shows, it does not proceed smoothly: the plateaux and troughs are normal features of the process.
In the acquisition of skills, a major issue is the reliability of the performance. Any novice can get it right occasionally (beginner�s luck), but it is consistency which counts, and the progress of learning is often assessed on this basis. The following stages are an adaptation of Reynolds� (1965) model. She also points out that learning skills is largely a matter of them �soaking in�, so that performance becomes less self-conscious as learning progresses, and that the transition from one phase to another is marked by a release of energy, in the form of the freedom to concentrate on other things. (The horizontal line represents a notional threshold of �competence�)
She also suggests that the final phase (which I have referred to as �Second Nature�) is characterised by an ability to teach the skill. At earlier stages, the learner is not confident enough to analyse their own practice thoroughly enough to be able to teach it: there is a feeling of mystique and fragility �if I examine it too closely I might not be able to perform as well again. (Reminiscent of the story of the young centipede, who was getting along fine until someone asked him which leg came next.)
Linked to the Reynolds idea is the popular "progression of competence" model:
- Unconscious incompetence
- Conscious incompetence
- Conscious competence
- Unconscious competence
� which of course assumes that the last is the most desirable state. (Although there are various candidates for a fifth state)
See the linked argument about forms of practice
Atherton J S (2013) Learning and Teaching; [On-line: UK] retrieved from
material by James Atherton: last up-dated overall 10 February 2013
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