Yes, most of them are ancient. Most of the arguments have been made over and over again, and there is little virtue in being up-to-date if the ideas are not new. And frankly most of the literature is deadly boring, so I'm confining myself to classic statements.
Referred to in: |
BECKER H (1972) �School is a Lousy Place to Learn Anything In� American Behavioral Scientist (1972): 85-105, reproduced in R G Burgess (ed.) (1995) Howard Becker on Education Buckingham: OU Press (This one is not boring, and it repays reading even now.) |
BOORSTIN D (1970) The Sociology of the Absurd: or the application of Professor X London; Thames and Hudson |
COX, C B and DYSON, A E (eds) (1969a) Fight for Education: A Black Paper. London: The Critical Quarterly Society. |
COX, C B and DYSON, A E (1969b) Black Paper Two: The Crisis in Education. London: Critical Quarterly Society |
HARGREAVES D (1972) Interpersonal Relations and Education London: Routledge and Kegan Paul |
HOLT J (1977) Instead of Education: ways to help people to do things better Harmondsworth: Penguin |
HUNTER I (1994) Rethinking the School: subjectivity, bureaucracy, criticism St Leonards, Australia: Allen and Unwin |
ILLICH I (1970) De-Schooling Society Harmondsworth: Penguin |
LAVE J and WENGER E (1991) Situated Learning: legitimate peripheral participation Cambridge: Cambridge University Press |
PHILLIPS M (1996) All Must Have Prizes London; Little, Brown |
SNYDER B R (1971) The Hidden Curriculum New York: Alfred A Knopf |
TOUGH A (1973) The Adult�s Learning Projects: a fresh approach to theory and practice in Adult Learning Ontario: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Research in Education series no 1 |
TUROW S (1977) One L New York; Warner Books |
Atherton J S (2013) Doceo; [On-line: UK] retrieved from
material by James Atherton: last up-dated overall 10 February 2013
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