- "Doceo" is Latin for "I teach" (doceo,
docere 2nd conjugation - you see Mr Pollitt, I did learn something in your lessons).
"Disco" has no connection with people jiggling about in semi-darkness to an oppressively loud apology for music; it means "I learn", so-
- "[Non modo] Homines [sed autem mulieres] dum docent discunt" - "While men [and women] teach, they learn" (Seneca without the sexism) is the motto of this site.
Pretentious stuff over! The content of this site includes work in progress, speculative and simply half-baked ideas which don't fit my more mainstream site, but I hope you find them stimulating or even helpful.
I am now semi-retired from the university, which means that I can get on with more interesting stuff, such as research, teaching, reading and writing; but I am also available for some consultancy and staff development work, so please contact me. (Link below)
Incidentally, what's with this backwards red tick? Is it an ironic comment on globalisation, a transposed NikeŽ "swoosh" pointing to the left rather than the right? Sorry, it's just that I am left-handed, and hence I find it easier to tick that way. It's my most common contribution to students' work-so it becomes a signature. (I don't use a red pen any more, though, because of the connotations it carries for many students.)
Atherton J S (2013) Doceo; [On-line: UK] retrieved from
material by James Atherton: last up-dated overall 10 February 2013
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
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