Tutoring: Notes
ARGYRIS C and SCH�N D (1974) Theory in Practice: increasing professional effectiveness San Francisco; Jossey-Bass
- Stimulating text: prefigures assertiveness training
ATHERTON J S (1989) Interpreting Residential Life: values to practice London; Tavistock
- When somebody writes their PhD on the development of my thought, this will be a seminal text. Some chance!
BERNE E (1966) Games People Play Harmondsworth; Penguin
- This is the classic text, but far from the best introduction to Transaction Analysis
BION W R (1970) Attention and Interpretation London; Tavistock
- Unnecessarily hard going
CLAXTON G (1998) Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind: why intelligence increases when you think less London; Fourth Estate
(See also Gladwell, M (2006) Blink; the power of thinking without thinking London; Penguin
Although hugely popular the Gladwell text is a lightweight restatement of Claxton)
HERON (1990) Helping the Client: a creative practical guide London; Sage
- Gets a bit mystical in places: concentrate on the opening chapters
LAURILLARD D (2001) Rethinking University Teaching: a framework for the effective use of educational technology (2nd edition) London; RoutledgeFalmer
- A classic: not easy going, but a genuine attempt to theorise the learning and teaching relationship, particularly with reference to distance learning design.
MAITENY P and REED B D (1998) Oscillation: a meaning and values-centred approach to the sustainability of human systems London: the Grubb Institute
- A development from Reed (1978) below, and less clear, with particular reference to global issues such as sustainable development.
MOON J (1999) Reflection in Learning and Professional Development: theory and practice London; Kogan Page
- The most comprehensive text on what reflection really means
REED B D (1978) The Dynamics of Religion: process and movement in Christian churches London; Darton Longman and Todd
- Don't be put off by the religious discourse: the relevant ideas are in Part One, but it is all worth reading.
SCH�N D A (1983) The Reflective Practitioner: how professionals think in action London: Temple Smith
- A classic: pity his exemplar scenarios are such rubbish
WINNICOTT D (1970) Playing and Reality Harmondsworth: Penguin
- Presupposes some acquaintance or at least sympathy with Kleinian psychoanalytic theory
Atherton J S (2013) Doceo; [On-line: UK] retrieved from
material by James Atherton: last up-dated overall 10 February 2013
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