Of Skeletons and Shells (2)
5: The natural tendency of a residential care establishment is in the direction of increased Shell structuring.
We now turn to
the residential setting itself, with an elaboration
of the features of the Skeleton and the Shell modes:
relating to choices: |
choices made for one |
individual free to choose |
to control: |
external control |
self-control |
hence: |
not responsible for actions |
individual responsible for actions |
which leads to emphasis on: |
corporateness |
individuality |
Table 4-Pattern of relatedness; individual to group |
Further features
of such Skeleton and Shell structures now become
apparent in the light of this argument:
Characteristics of social structures: |
easy to manage |
hard to manage |
shame-culture |
guilt-culture |
with associated ways of thinking: |
magical, symbolic |
scientific |
(fantasy-based) |
(reality-based) |
Table 5-Internal features of culture of Skeleton and Shell communities |
6: Both Skeleton and Shell elements are necessary for a normal life
So far, the features
of the Shell have come out of this discussion rather
badly - and indeed our cultural bias is such as
to emphasise the virtues of the Skeleton. I now
wish to correct the balance by suggesting that both
Skeleton and Shell have their parts to play,
and need to be incorporated in the life of the establishment.
Relaxation |
Stress |
Security |
Risk |
Predictability |
Unfamiliarity |
Accommodation |
Conflict |
(Regression |
Growth) |
Table 6 -Psychological Features of Skeleton and Shell |
The above are psychological states: they may or may not be appropriate to the prevailing circumstances, and different people will experience them for different reasons and in different ways.
7: Everyone-client and staff, strong and weak, old and young-oscillates between Skeleton and Shell
The following diagrams
attempt to represent graphically the common forms
of oscillation. It should be borne in mind that
the vertical line separating the Skeleton 'zone'
from the Shell 'zone' is merely a graphical convention,
and there is of course no such clear boundary in
the real world; and that while the limits of Skeleton
and Shell represent the socially-constructed forms
that they take, the important consideration for
the individual is the extent of movement between his or her personal poles, not the
'absolute' extent to which he or she penetrates
into the Skeleton or Shell zones.
Shell |
Skeleton |
Figure 1-Pattern of oscillation of 'normal' person
Atherton J S (2013) Doceo; [On-line: UK] retrieved from
material by James Atherton: last up-dated overall 10 February 2013
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
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