Forms of Assessment



This is self-explanatory: it is about getting students to develop the skills and judgement to assess themselves. Clearly it applies mainly to formative assessment, but it is none the less important for that. Students who are capable of assessing themselves are already half-way to being reflective practitioners (only half-way because the assessments may not be fully valid). It is part of their development that they should no longer be entirely reliant on their teachers to assess them.



Special precautions


Complete this when you have finished the work: but consult the questions as you go along as an aid to revising and polishing your submission
1 Things which only you (the student) can assess
1.1 On reflection, what do I now know or understand that I didn�t before I started this piece of work?
1.2 Has this work met my original learning needs? (Check with answer to Q.1)
1.3 Does it have any implications for the further development of my practice?
2 Things parallel to those which tutors will be assessing:
2.1 Have I adequately covered the content?
2.2 Does it meet the criteria for the level at which I am submitting it?
2.3 Does the work present a coherent argument?
2.4 Have I addressed all the outcomes? And is it easy for the marker to locate them?
2.5 What are the principal strengths of this piece of work?
2.6 What are its principal weaknesses and the things I need to concentrate on further?
2.7 Does the work do justice to my capabilities? If not, why not?

Signed                                                                   Date

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To reference this page copy and paste the text below:

Atherton J S (2013) Learning and Teaching; [On-line: UK] retrieved from

Original material by James Atherton: last up-dated overall 10 February 2013

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