About these sites
These sites are intended primarily for practising teachers, and those in training to teach students at college, university or after. They provide accessible information on a range of teaching and learning issues, but I make no claim for their reliability, accuracy or (especially!) objectivity:
- the Learning site provides a "quick and dirty" overview of part of the field. It should be complemented by reading the original sources, which is why it is fairly extensively referenced.
- the knowledge base of the Teaching site is rather different. It presents ideas which need to be tested principally by your own experience, so they are not�on the whole�academically referenced.
Like any discerning user of the net, you will wish to know my credentials.
- I have no particular axe to grind: my orientation to the whole field is that of a pragmatic practitioner, sceptical about any panaceas, who nevertheless believes that every practical choice embodies a value-position which is worthy of discussion.
- I hope you find useful what follows...
Atherton J S (2013) Learning and Teaching; [On-line: UK] retrieved from
material by James Atherton: last up-dated overall 10 February 2013
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
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This site is independent and self-funded, although the contribution of the Higher Education Academy to its development via the award of a National Teaching Fellowship, in 2004 has been greatly appreciated. The site does not accept advertising or sponsorship (apart from what I am lumbered with on the reports from the site Search facility above), and invitations/proposals/demands will be ignored, as will SEO spam. I am of course not responsible for the content of any external links; any endorsement is on the basis only of my quixotic judgement. Suggestions for new pages and corrections of errors or reasonable disagreements are of course always welcome. I am not on FaceBook or LinkedIn.