
Avoiding Plagiarism

There is a great deal of good stuff on the web about why students plagiarise, procedures for detecting it, and dealing with it (see link at the end of the page). This page is simply about plagiarism-proofing your assessments when you set them, and hence forestalling at least some of the problem.

It appears that many students plagiarise out of ignorance, and although that may be a rather benign (as an old cynic, even naive) judgement, it underlines the importance of teaching about it and the conventions of referencing.

Go here for a short video of Jude Carroll (probably the world authority in this field) talking about combating plagiarism, at the University of Nottingham, 2006. (Lots of other good video material on this site too.) Here for a downloadable good practice guide by Jude Carroll and Jon Appleton (2001) See also Carroll (2007)

Increasingly, colleges are turning to technological solutions to detect alleged plagiarism. See this article for a consideration of some of the dangers of that (US-based).

To reference this page copy and paste the text below:

Atherton J S (2013) Learning and Teaching; [On-line: UK] retrieved from

Original material by James Atherton: last up-dated overall 10 February 2013

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